Wednesday, May 12, 2010

terrible (ok, not too bad) tuesday

(i heard a rule that you're not supposed to start out a blog with apologies, so i'm not apologizing. i'm just saying i haven't updated in awhile and i'm fully aware. so there. i'm not apologizing.)

yesterday wasn't the best of days. it wasn't the worst of days either. i just felt like i could take it or leave it as far as days of my life go. i got up that morning and heard the rain, inside and out. our roof was leaking. again. this time, in FOUR different places. i was sitting on the couch enjoying the news and my breakfast when i heard another trickle of water coming from God knows where. we have a front sunroom on our house that had been closed up for the winter and is now home to my sewing machine and extra couch. the ceiling out there had been guilty of dripping water before, but our landlord brushed it off as gutters that were backed up. temporarily fixed, it now leaks pretty badly in two places...ceiling is sagging a little and mold is showing up. awesome. seriously, though, in times like this i LOVE just picking up the phone and saying, "hey, you need to come fix your house. thanks." most of the time, it's so nice to be renters. yeah, i'm sure we're paying way over what a monthly mortgage would be, but we're not in debt up to our noses (which are now stuffy from the mold in the air) and it's like paying a full time, personal handy-man who will pay to get things fixed. and it's in his best interest. call me John Blum, but i love having that kind of control. :)

predicting what kind of day it may turn out to be, i used the rest of my Starbucks gift card from Tim (or Isaac) for mother's day and got my usual grande non-fat extra hot vanilla latte and very berry coffee cake. yes, that's right. it was a fat $20 gift card and i've already used it all. but i did buy tim coffee once. please.

upon arriving to work, i realized i'd forgotten my lunch AGAIN that week and had to pay for a Subway lunch. i know it's nice to have a dual income household, but literally all the money i make now until the end of the year is paying for childcare for 3-4 days a week, gas to drive 25 minutes one way, insurance that i need to cover the times when Mr. Blue Jaguar decides to rear end me on the way to work at 7am, and the times i have to spend both gas AND cash on buying lunch when i forget mine. argh.

tim and i went grocery shopping (which i actually like to do) and on our way back, as i'm mid-sentence, tim whips the jeep off the road, onto the grass, and across our church parking lot. what the? he saw tyler. of course. our friends tyler & carly were out flying some of their very expensive, very cool trick kites. we spent some time watching them do swirls and turns, flips and dives. tyler even let me try. i actually got the hang of it for a few minutes. it was peaceful to be out there that evening, watching how our friends enjoy the little things in life - beautifully engineered pieces of fabric sewn together & a good wind.

it ended up being a good day, or at least one that ended with God's peace erasing everything that i thought was stupid or that bummed me out that day. and that's how it should be.

*photos were taking by yours truly & edited by my better half. personally, i think we're a good team. in my opinion, we make pretty pictures and daggum pretty babies.


  1. I'm so impressed by your photos. We might be acquiring a fancy camera in our household soon, so I am excited about learning.

    (and p.s. we love renting. we are such commitment-phobes we might do it forever. ain't no shame.)

  2. I am right there with you on Renting!! having done both (owned & rented) I really would pick Renting (or parsonage which we have now) over owning...I like knowing when things go wrong we're not the ones paying for it! :) PLUS when we want to move or feel God is calling us elsewhere we don't have to worry about selling our home 1st!

  3. Well, our renting has not been so good, it took us 6 weeks to get a new washer in our apartment and Molly was 7 months old, not a good combo with all the laundry! But now that we own, we are buying crap like crazy for the house, oy! The pics are great!!

  4. thanks for giving me something to read on the way to FL! :)

  5. Love this post for so many reasons - mostly because it describes so many of my days. I love having Matt's house to stay in, but we're the on-call handymen in a house that's trying to self-destruct. I desperately want to be renting where we have NO responsibility. It's so discouraging to vacuum when you know you're going to be sanding sheet rock again as soon as you vacuum.
    As for the work comment - you know my opinion... stay home! According to some reputable stat (I know where I heard but can't remember if Dateline or 60 minutes did the research), you, mom, have to make at least $60K a year to actually add to the households bottom line thanks to taxes and expenses involved with working. Warning - your parents might freak. mine did.
